A birthkeeper is usually a person with a medical qualification such as a midwifery degree that assists women to facilitate natural physiological birth. Once outside of the NHS system and when no longer governed by the NMC (The Nursing and Midwifery Council), a 'Midwife' is no longer legally allowed to call herself a 'Midwife'. They do, however, still have experience and extensive knowledge that can help you.
Birthkeepers will not provide clinical care but will support you to take control of your birth and will be able to recognise when things are happening that may require medical intervention. They can also help you navigate the current NHS system and support you to make informed choices that are right for you.
As a birthkeeper is not under the pressures of the current NHS system, they have time to listen to your needs and provide the care and support you deserve. You will not feel rushed or pressured and you will feel listened to.
While working as a midwife for the last 12 years, I saw lots of unnecessary interventions that led to a cascade of events which often left women feeling traumatised and like their bodies had failed them.
I realised that normal physiological birth was often not able to be facilitated in an NHS environment. I wanted to be able to deliver individualised care, promoting fully informed choices for women and families. Birth is not a medical procedure, it is a natural process that occasionally needs medical intervention.
The work I was doing as a midwife began to feel uncomfortable as I was under constant pressure to tick boxes and push women into a one size fits all approach to birth. Many of the guidelines were not based on good quality evidence and favoured the hospital rather than the individual.
I made the decision to follow my heart and begin caring for women and families in a way that meets their needs. I wanted to take a holistic approach to my care and empower women to take back control of their birth journeys.
This is how New Additions was born.
I can support you in your birth journey in the way you deserve, and you will feel cared for and listened to. I can work alongside the care you are entitled to from the NHS or support you outside of this system too - whichever you prefer.
I am based in the West Midlands and am happy to support women and families within an hours commute from my home in Walsall.
If you live outside of my catchment area, I can also link you up with a birth keeper or doula local to you, or we can connect via 1-2-1 sessions over Zoom and I can support you that way.
I will help you make informed, evidence-based decisions about your care and enable you to feel in control of your birth journey.
To find out more about how we can work together, simply click the button below, or if you want get in touch directly, click here.